When: Friday at 8 PM – 12:15 AM
Where: Ivy City SmokeHouse - 1356 Okie St NE, Washington, District of Columbia 20002
Tickets: ivycitysmokehouse.com

We have found the Trifecta of Rock! Eclectic rock, meets anthemic passion rock, meets TrapRock! Don't stay home on Friday, March 1st or you'll miss Ethan Spalding & the TrapRock band, Higher Numbers, and the High-Brid Band. Rock fusion at its finest. Tickets are $10 (click here now!). Doors at 8pm. Live music at 9pm. TrapRock https://www.traprockmusic.com Ethan Spalding is the originator of a new music genre, TRAPROCK, which synthesizes his varied music experiences and his approach to life. Ethan’s TRAPROCK “evolution revolution” incorporates big 808’s, heavy guitar riffs, and soul-shattering drums in a full live-band experience. His lyrics reflect his life as a professional in the fitness industry, a devoted family man, a hustler, and the ultimate music artist. Ethan's performances are contagious—something to which anyone who has ever attended one of his concerts can attest. His performance wingman is a sneaker-head, dancing panda mascot. Higher Numbers www.highernumbersdc.com Higher Numbers writes gritty and passionate original music that comments on everything from relationships to politics. They are fueled by two brothers on electric guitars, a strong female vocalist, and a thunderous rhythm section. In December 2018, Higher Numbers released their first two singles "The Road" and "I Know Your Name" onto streaming channels everywhere. Their live shows are high-energy and intense. Higher Numbers, in a single word, ROCKS! High-Brid Band https://www.facebook.com/HighBridBand High-Brid was created by Joshua Nelson. The band first performed in February 2010 at Joshua Nelson's 18th b'day party. In August 2010, High-Brid entered a competition at "The Whiskey" placed second and thereafter, the ball started rolling. In the year 2012, the band's first EP "Arrival" came out. High-Brid is an Eclectic rock band that fuses most known genres of music in a rock format. The 5-piece High-Brid Band's latest accomplishments are their singles “Truth Be Told” “Want to Make a Difference” and "Tropical Cyclone."